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اجعل تجربة تبرعهم اكثر سهولة

دائماً يبحث المتبرعون عن طرق سهلة وآمنة للتبرع للجمعيات الخيرية فمن خلال الأهلي ممكن, يمكنك زيادة قاعدة متبرعيك وتسهّيِل عملية تحصيل التبرعات باستخدام خيارات الدفع الأمنة والسهلة من الأهلى ممكن والتي صممت خصيصًا للجمعيات الخيرية الصغيرة والمتوسطة والكبيرة والتي تمكنك من جمع بيانات

المتبرعين كل ذلك واكثر من مكان واحد. فمن خلالنا يمكنك جعل العالم مكاناً أفضل

 fintech, Digital payment, cash collection, seamless, bill payment, credit card, invoicing, pay bills, micro finance, cash collection, invoices, e-invoicing, online payment, utilities, gaz bill, electricity bill, electricity card, charity, donation, hospitals and secure payment
 fintech, Digital payment, cash collection, seamless, bill payment, credit card, invoicing, pay bills, micro finance, cash collection, invoices, e-invoicing, online payment, utilities, gaz bill, electricity bill, electricity card, charity, donation, hospitals, Baheya and secure payment
 fintech, Digital payment, cash collection, seamless, bill payment, credit card, invoicing, pay bills, micro finance, cash collection, invoices, e-invoicing, online payment, utilities, gaz bill, electricity bill, electricity card, charity, donation, hospitals, ahl misr and secure payment
 fintech, Digital payment, cash collection, seamless, bill payment, credit card, invoicing, pay bills, micro finance, cash collection, invoices, e-invoicing, online payment, utilities, gaz bill, electricity bill, electricity card, charity, donation, hospitals, egyptian food bank and secure payment
 fintech, Digital payment, cash collection, seamless, bill payment, credit card, invoicing, pay bills, micro finance, cash collection, invoices, e-invoicing, online payment, utilities, gaz bill, electricity bill, electricity card, charity, donation, hospitals, and secure payment
 fintech, Digital payment, cash collection, seamless, bill payment, credit card, invoicing, pay bills, micro finance, cash collection, invoices, e-invoicing, online payment, utilities, gaz bill, electricity bill, electricity card, charity, donation, hospitals, and secure payment
 fintech, Digital payment, cash collection, seamless, bill payment, credit card, invoicing, pay bills, micro finance, cash collection, invoices, e-invoicing, online payment, utilities, gaz bill, electricity bill, electricity card, charity, donation, hospitals, and secure payment
 fintech, Digital payment, cash collection, seamless, bill payment, credit card, invoicing, pay bills, micro finance, cash collection, invoices, e-invoicing, online payment, utilities, gaz bill, electricity bill, electricity card, charity, donation, hospitals, egyptian food bank and secure payment
 fintech, Digital payment, cash collection, seamless, bill payment, credit card, invoicing, pay bills, micro finance, cash collection, invoices, e-invoicing, online payment, utilities, gaz bill, electricity bill, electricity card, charity, donation, hospitals, Magdy yaccoub and secure payment
 fintech, Digital payment, cash collection, seamless, bill payment, credit card, invoicing, pay bills, micro finance, cash collection, invoices, e-invoicing, online payment, utilities, gaz bill, electricity bill, electricity card, charity, donation, hospitals, and secure payment

الجمعيات الخيرية

 fintech, Digital payment, cash collection, seamless, bill payment, credit card, invoicing, pay bills, micro finance, cash collection, invoices, e-invoicing, online payment, utilities, gas bill, electricity bill, electricity card, charity, donation, hospitals, and secure payment

حلول الدفع الإلكترونى


تحصيل الكاش

قبول البطاقات والنقد (الدفع الإلكتروني بواسطة بطاقات الائتمان/الخصم)

الدفع عبر الإنترنت (الدفع من خلال رابط الدفع ، إرسال الفواتير الإلكترونية، دفع أونلاين)

 fintech, Digital payment, cash collection, seamless, bill payment, credit card, invoicing, pay bills, micro finance, cash collection, invoices, e-invoicing, online payment, utilities, gaz bill, electricity bill, electricity card, charity, donation, hospitals, and secure payment


طرق و منصات تبرعات مختلفة

خدمة تحصيل التبرعات من المنزل


لماذا تختار الأهلي ممكن؟

why al ahly momkn (2)

مجموعة كبيرة من حلول الدفع الامنه

قنوات دفع متعددة

نظم مخصصة وامنة وقابلة


أسعار رسوم تنافسية

احصل على ادوات ذكاء الأعمال
(لوحة تحكم خاصة)


مراقبة البيانات و تتبع للعمليات

شارك معنا فى أنشطة    تسويقية و عروض ترويجية

  احصل على تقارير عن اراء و تجارب العملاء 

خدمة دعم ما بعد البيع

خدمة عملاء 24 ساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع و دعم فني عبر الإنترنت

اجذب عملاء جدد واجعلهم عملاء دائمين

مزيد من العملاء السعداء

نظم قابلة للتطوير والنمو

منظومة دفع وتحصيل الكترونى متكاملة


تواصل معنا

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