
Donate to Save More Egyptian Women
EGP 1.000.000
Al Ahly Momkn x Baheya Foundation
Al Ahly Momkn, a leading e-payments platform in Egypt, we take it as our responsibility to empower people to make a positive impact in their communities and in the lives of those in need. This time we have partnered with Baheya, the Egyptian breast cancer foundation, to encourage women to take a stand against breast cancer and get free breast check-ups to detect early signs and get treated immediately. We believe that by working together, we can increase outreach to all communities especially underprivileged or low-income women and ensure that every woman has access to the necessary resources to detect, fight & end breast cancer.

Book your appointment with Baheya through the call center number

Collect donation receipt from merchant. Make sure on the receipt there is a serial order code

Donate to Baheya Foundation through Al Ahly Momkn
Al Ahly Momkn to match every individual donation, contributing an additional Egyptian Pound for each donation received
At Al Ahly Momkn, we are committed to supporting Egyptian women in their fight against breast cancer and improving their chances of recovery. To make sure that more Egyptian women can access checkups for early detection and receive the necessary support as they courageously battle against breast cancer, Al Ahly Momkn
will match every donation made and contribute an additional EGP1 to the Baheya Foundation
Donations in EGP
Terms and Conditions
By participating in this marketing campaign, you agree to the following terms and conditions
This campaign is open to women aged 30 years and above.
To be eligible for a free checkup, participants must make a donation to the Baheya Foundation through Al Ahly Momkn point-of-sale for breast cancer awareness during the specified campaign period.
The minimum donation amount required to qualify for a free checkup will be clearly communicated by the campaign organizers.
Participants will receive a receipt for their donation, which they can then present at Baheya Foundation to avail themselves of the free checkup.
The receipt must be presented within the validity period mentioned on it, as per the campaign guidelines.
The free checkup is subject to availability and must be scheduled in advance with Baheya Foundation.
The free checkup includes standard breast examination procedures as recommended by healthcare professionals involved in breast cancer detection and prevention.
Any additional tests or treatments beyond the scope of a standard breast examination will not be covered under this campaign and may incur separate charges, as determined by Baheya Foundation.
The organizers reserve the right to modify or terminate this campaign at any time without prior notice, including changes in eligibility criteria or donation requirements.
الشروط والأحكام
من خلال مشاركتك في هذه الحملة التسويقية، فإنك توافق على الشروط والأحكام التالية
هذه الحملة متاحة للنساء من عمر 30 عاما فما فوق.
للتأهل لإجراء فحص مجاني، يجب على المشاركين التبرع لمؤسسة بهية من خلال اى منفذ بيع للأهلي ممكن خلال فترة الحملة المحددة.
سيتم إبلاغ الحد الأدنى من مبلغ التبرع المطلوب للتأهل لإجراء فحص مجاني من قبل منظمي الحملة.
سيحصل المشاركون على إيصال مقابل تبرعهم، والذي يمكنهم بعد ذلك تقديمه في مؤسسة بهية للاستفادة من الفحص المجاني.
يجب تقديم الإيصال خلال فترة الصلاحية المذكورة فيه، وفقا لإرشادات الحملة.
على المشاركين ان يقوموا بالتواصل مع مؤسسة بهية لحجز موعد مسبق للفحص المجاني والذى يتم تحديده من قبل المؤسسة .
يتضمن الفحص المجاني إجراءات ومعايير وفقا لأخصائي الرعاية الصحية المشاركين في الكشف عن سرطان الثدي والوقاية منه.
لن تتم تغطية أي اختبارات أو علاجات إضافية تتجاوز نطاق فحص الثدي في إطار هذه الحملة، وقد تفرض رسوم منفصلة، على النحو الذي تحدده مؤسسة بهية.
يحتفظ المنظمون بالحق في تعديل أو إنهاء هذه الحملة في أي وقت دون إشعار مسبق، بما في ذلك التغييرات في معايير الأهلية أو متطلبات التبرع